Kit includes black backing plate with wheel cylinder shoe set and springs installed.
Hose fitting and banjo bolt is supplied. Order proper cast drum and axle kit separately.
FL 1963-1972
Fx 1971-1972
Country Of Origin: TAIWAN
Suggested Items:
23-0715 - Rear Hydraulic Backing Plate Black
23-0749 - Rear Wheel Cylinder Assembly
23-0713 - Wheel Cylinder Bolt
23-0502 - Rear Hydraulic Brake Shoe Set
Accessory Items:
22-0403 - Hydraulic Brake Control Kit
23-0717 - Rear Brake Hose 24-1/2
41-0194 - DOT 5 Brake Fluid
Tech Notes: Suggested to use #23-0434 hydraulic cast brake drum Suggested to use #44-0582 rear axle kit Suggested to use #44-0582 axle kit.
Kit includes black backing plate with wheel cylinder shoe set and springs installed.
Hose fitting and banjo bolt is supplied. Order proper cast drum and axle kit separately.
FL 1963-1972
Fx 1971-1972