34-1049 - Chrome Smooth J-Slot Air Cleaner
J-Slot 7 smooth chrome air cleaner features unique four pin cover mounting with internal spring to fit four bolt Linkert type carburetor and includes copper mesh element and backing plate for linkerts.
*NOTE: Must order mount kit separately.
FL 1941-1964
G 1941-1956
UL 1941-1948
W 1941-1952
Country Of Origin: USA
Suggested Items:
34-0499 - J-Slot Air Cleaner Backing Plate Zinc Plated
34-0907 - Copper Mesh Air Cleaner Element
Accessory Items:
34-0624 - J-Slot Air Cleaner Backing Plate Parkerized
9017-5 - Linkert Air Cleaner Mount Screw and Lock Kit
34-1034 - 7 Linkert World's Fair J-Slot Style Air Cleaner Assembly
49-0657 - Air Cleaner Vortex
Tech Notes: Suggested to use with #9017-5 Linkert Air Cleaner Mount Screw and Lock Kit. Suggested to use with #7821-6T Air Cleaner Mount Screw and Lock Kit.