45 natural alloy finish cam cover with the bushings and breather valve installed features a cast finish with the original finned design.
The generator mount holes are 1/4 . *NOTE: Ribbed OE type includes bronze cam bushings installed breather vent generator gear oil control plate also installed.
G 1937-1973
W 1937-1952
Country Of Origin: TAIWAN
Accessory Items:
8309 CAD - Cadmium Stock Style Hardware Kit for Aluminum Heads
16-1609 - WL Cam Cover Ream Fixture Tool
16-1791 - Bushing Reaming Tool
16-1609 - WL Cam Cover Ream Fixture Tool
45 natural alloy finish cam cover with the bushings and breather valve installed features a cast finish with the original finned design.
The generator mount holes are 1/4 . *NOTE: Ribbed OE type includes bronze cam bushings installed breather vent generator gear oil control plate also installed.
G 1937-1973
W 1937-1952