35-9194 - 1-1/2 Linkert Carburetor Overhaul Kit
Overhaul kit for 1-1/2 carburetors includes throttle shaft brass float needle and seat float bushings springs float pin gasket carburetor bowl large nut with stud lock washer luck nut and copper filled seal washer.
For M74 models. Threads on this needle and seat assembly is 7/16 x 27. *NOTE: For the float arm installation the center prong of the float arm should have .003 of clearance in order for the arm and needle to move freely.
EL 1941-1952
FL 1941-1965
Country Of Origin: TAIWAN
Suggested Items:
35-9175 - Linkert Carburetor Overhaul Kit
35-0853 - Linkert Carburetor Bowl Zinc Lock Nut
35-9152 - 1-1/2 Linkert Carburetor Throttle Shaft
Accessory Items:
35-9134 - Carburetor Choke Lever
35-9323 - Linkert Carburetor Choke Lever
35-0952 - Linkert Thumb Choke Lever
35-9135 - Carburetor Choke Lever Screw