Speedometer has a ratio of 1:1 and features a black background with white numbers reading 10-120 mph.
Graphics are 1989-1995 style for Fatbob dashes. Use with a 23 tooth transmission drive unit. Includes alloy female speedometer reset knob.
FL 1962-1980
FXWG 1980-1983
Country Of Origin: TAIWAN
Suggested Items: 39-0338 - Female Alloy Speedometer Reset Knob
Accessory Items:
28-1952 - Speedometer Isolation Mount Kit
28-0419 - Speedometer ISO Mount Rubber Support
16-0529 - Mini Motorcycle Lift Tool
31-0201 - Inspection Tag Holder 1/2 Mount Stainless Steel
Tech Notes: Suggested to use with #36-0621 35inch Black Speedometer Cable.
Speedometer has a ratio of 1:1 and features a black background with white numbers reading 10-120 mph.
Graphics are 1989-1995 style for Fatbob dashes. Use with a 23 tooth transmission drive unit. Includes alloy female speedometer reset knob.
FL 1962-1980
FXWG 1980-1983