Knucklehead oil pump body has oil pressure switch threaded hole on extreme right side.
Accepts scavenger gear scavenger idler gear feed idler gear and feed gear. Includes idler shaft installed. Oil pump body accepts oil pressure switch. Oil pressure fitting hole is on the extreme right side as facing pump. Body is 1936-1940 EL version only to accept oil send unit. NOTE: Order gears separately.
EL 1936-1940
Country Of Origin: TAIWAN
Accessory Items:
12-1403 - Oil Pressure Switch Fitting
12-1404 - Oil Pump Adjuster Screw
12-1402 - Oil Pressure Switch
14-0178 - Oil Pressure Seal Washer
Knucklehead oil pump body has oil pressure switch threaded hole on extreme right side.
Accepts scavenger gear scavenger idler gear feed idler gear and feed gear. Includes idler shaft installed. Oil pump body accepts oil pressure switch. Oil pressure fitting hole is on the extreme right side as facing pump. Body is 1936-1940 EL version only to accept oil send unit. NOTE: Order gears separately.
EL 1936-1940