FXST style single disc 41mm fork assembly with chrome sliders are assembled with internal components.
Features chrome triple trees with 1 stem. Fork assembly is hard chrome with chrome sliders without reflector boss and internals installed. Leg assembly has an overall length of 31 . Kit also includes axle bearings top cone stem nut pinch bolts and dust covers. A 21 wheel with bearings drilled 11-1/2 disc with chrome screws and chrome single disc caliper with mount hardware and pads included. This assembly can also be used on 1948-1984 FL 1971-1984 FX and 1986-1999 FXST.
FXST 1984-1999
Country Of Origin: TAIWAN
Suggested Items:
24-0510 - 41mm Fork Slider Assembly
36-0803 - Left Side Speedometer Drive Unit
52-0169 - 21 Front Spoke Wheel
Accessory Items:
24-0170 - 41mm Fork Steering Damper Kit
24-0196 - 41mm Fork Steering Damper Kit
31-0315 - Polished Smooth Cable Holder Set
Tech Notes: Drain assembly lube. We recommend 20 weight oil for average conditions. The amount of fork oil per leg is 10.2 ounces.
FXST style single disc 41mm fork assembly with chrome sliders are assembled with internal components.
Features chrome triple trees with 1 stem. Fork assembly is hard chrome with chrome sliders without reflector boss and internals installed. Leg assembly has an overall length of 31 . Kit also includes axle bearings top cone stem nut pinch bolts and dust covers. A 21 wheel with bearings drilled 11-1/2 disc with chrome screws and chrome single disc caliper with mount hardware and pads included. This assembly can also be used on 1948-1984 FL 1971-1984 FX and 1986-1999