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35-0320 - Carburetor Main Jet .078
35-0326 - Carburetor Main Jet .090
35-0327 - Carburetor Main Jet .092
35-0329 - Carburetor Main Jet .096
35-0351 - Carburetor Intermediate Jet .028
35-9174 - Carburetor Intermediate Jet .032
Call to Order
35-0681 - Carburetor Choke Cable Bracket Chrome
36-0995 - Carburetor Chrome Choke Knob
82881 - Carburetor Mount Stud Set
12-0576 - Zinc Carburetor Choke Cable Nut
77037 - Carburetor Mount Stud Set
240301 - Carburetor Throttle Stop Screw
2598-1 - Cadmium Carburetor Needle Valve Lever Screw
40-0581 - Carburetor Vent Fitting Straight
35-0221 - Carburetor Idle Adjuster Screw
35-0298 - Keihin Carburetor Slow Jet
35-0304 - Carburetor Main Jet .046
35-0306 - Carburetor Main Jet .050
35-0321 - Carburetor Main Jet .080
35-0322 - Carburetor Main Jet .082
35-0323 - Carburetor Main Jet .084
35-0331 - Carburetor Main Jet .100
35-0358 - Keihin Carburetor Main Jet
35-9054 - Linkert Carburetor Valve Lever Shoulder Screw
35-9173 - Carburetor Intermediate Jet .0265
35-9326 - Linkert Carburetor Float Pin with Caps
15-0748 - Valve Seat Gasket
13-9242 - Carburetor Float Pin Spring
35-0297 - Keihin Carburetor Slow Jet
35-0352 - Carburetor Intermediate Jet .0295
2455-3 - Carburetor Mounting Screw Kit
37-0812 - Stainless Steel Hose Clamps
36-0517 - Carburetor Inner Choke Wire
36-2386 - Carburetor Choke Tube
35-0016 - Flanders Linkert Carburetor Bracket
35-0132 - Carburetor Choke Cable Knob Chrome
35-0241 - Linkert Carburetor Body Pin
35-0294 - Keihin Carburetor Slow Jet
35-0295 - Keihin Carburetor Slow Jet
35-0307 - Carburetor Main Jet .052
35-0324 - Carburetor Main Jet .086
35-0325 - Carburetor Main Jet .088
35-0328 - Carburetor Main Jet .094
35-0330 - Carburetor Main Jet .098
35-0332 - Carburetor Main Jet .102
35-0356 - Carburetor Intermediate Jet .040
35-0622 - Linkert Carburetor Idle Passage Plug
28-2117 - Choke Cable Rubber Grommet
36-0987 - Carburetor Choke Tube
35-0299 - Keihin Carburetor Slow Jet