35-1021 - Side Valve Linkert Carburetor Bean Pot Style Float Bowl Kit
Linkert carburetor float bowl with early style hex cap features a natural aluminum finish and is the bean pot style with additional capacity. For Flathead models.
*NOTE: Float bowl with drain screw includes installed stainless steel needle with matching brass seat assembly installed black unsinkable nitrophyl linkert float with our unique 1 piece float arm in brass for smooth action and pivot pin with two caps. Larger inner diameter adds 1.45 cubic inches to hold additional fuel. Extra capacity for racing applications has external bow hex cap. Has 9/16 x 20 hex plug at needle valve opening. Fits all brass linkert carburetors for additional fuel capacity! Needle valve seat opening is milled flat and sealed by carburetor body after assembly. Products. As original float brass top cap is for use on side valve models only. **NOTE: Original Bean Pot linkert bowl design was developed by Tom Sifton of Sifton Motorcycle Products. As original float brass top cap is for use on side valve models only. For the float arm installation the center of the float arm should have .003 of clearance in order for the arm and needle to move freely.
G 1936-1957
UL 1937-1948
W 1936-1952
Country Of Origin: TAIWAN
Suggested Items:
35-0368 - Linkert Carburetor Bowl Lock Nut with Drain
35-0281 - Linkert Carburetor Float Bowl
Accessory Items:
35-1460 - Linkert Carburetor Float Bowl Assembly
35-1286 - Linkert Bean Pot Float Bowl Assembly
35-1455 - Linkert Carburetor Float Bowl Assembly
35-1452 - Linkert Carburetor Float Bowl Assembly