Yuasa Battery 12 volt is a dry maintenance free charged battery.
Do not over fill battery fill to the line level as noted. When refilling use distilled water only. Caps are not included must reuse your caps. **NOTE: Requires filling with electrolyte acid available from your local auto parts store.
FLST 1991-1996
FXD 1991-1996
FXST 1991-1996
Country Of Origin: USA
OEM Cross Reference: 65989-90A
Accessory Items:
16-0037 - Battery Activator Filler Tool
16-1794 - Battery Tender Snap Cord
32-0317 - Heavy Duty Black Ground Battery Cable Assortment
Tech Notes: Charging Information: Prior to filling with electrolyte acid remove vent hole plug and fill battery. Charge battery with a 4 amp charger with fill caps removed for 24 hours.
Measurement: Height: 6-1/4 inches
Yuasa Battery 12 volt is a dry maintenance free charged battery.
Do not over fill battery fill to the line level as noted. When refilling use distilled water only. Caps are not included must reuse your caps. **NOTE: Requires filling with electrolyte acid available from your local auto parts store.
FLST 1991-1996