Universal 6 volt battery is a dry charged battery which measures 4-5/8 x 3-1/8 x 6-5/16 .
Do not over fill battery fill to the line level as noted. **NOTE: Requires filling with electrolyte acid available from your local auto parts store.
EL 1936-1940
FL 1941-1964
J 1929-1930
UL 1938-1948
VL 1930-1934
WL 1929-1952
Country Of Origin: TAIWAN
Accessory Items:
16-0037 - Battery Activator Filler Tool
53-0442 - 6 Volt 14 Amp Rechargeable Sealed Battery
53-0445 - 6 Volt Miniature Sealed Battery
Tech Notes: Charging Information: Prior to filling with electrolyte acid remove vent hole plug and fill battery. Charge battery with a 4 amp charger with fill caps removed for 24 hours.
Measurement: Height: 6-5/16 inches
Universal 6 volt battery is a dry charged battery which measures 4-5/8 x 3-1/8 x 6-5/16 .
Do not over fill battery fill to the line level as noted. **NOTE: Requires filling with electrolyte acid available from your local auto parts store.
EL 1936-1940
FL 1941-1964