All black Battery is 6 volt 24 amp from V-Twin tooling! Has a small terminal and is dry charged. This battery features original style vented plug with no vent tube!
Best 6V battery available! Manufactured with new molds and tooling by V-Twin Mfg. Battery is molded PVC and features black top with three vented style black plugs which are exact Replicas of originals. Battery requires filling with electrolyte which is available at most auto parts stores. This battery is vented thru the 3-caps no vent tube necessary and will fit the Harley 45 solo battery box without modification to the box shell.
EL 1936-1940
FL 1941-1964
UL 1938-1948
VL 1930-1934
WL 1929-1952
Country Of Origin: TAIWAN
Accessory Items:
42-0565 - Black 6 Volt Battery Box Kit
53-0787 - H-2 Battery Conversion Box Kit
53-0794 - H-2 Battery Plastic Case
Tech Notes: Charging Information: Prior to filling with electrolyte acid remove vent hole plug and fill battery. Charge with a 4 amp charger with fill caps removed for 24 hours. *NOTE: The first time you fill with electrolyte after that you can add distilled water.
Measurement: Width: 4-1/4 inches
All black Battery is 6 volt 24 amp from V-Twin tooling! Has a small terminal and is dry charged. This battery features original style vented plug with no vent tube!
Best 6V battery available! Manufactured with new molds and tooling by V-Twin Mfg. Battery is molded PVC and features black top with three vented style black plugs which are exact Replicas of originals. Battery requires filling with electrolyte which is available at most auto parts stores. This battery is vented thru the 3-caps no vent tube necessary and will fit the Harley 45 solo battery box without modification to the box shell.