24-0579 - Fork Assembly with Chrome Sliders Stock Length
41mm stock length fork tube assembly with chrome sliders chrome triple tree with bearings dust shields and hardware.
Assembly is for FLSTF and FLSTC models with a 32 frame rake.
FLST 2000-2006
Country Of Origin: TAIWAN
Suggested Items:
24-0298 - 41mm Fork Slider Assembly
44-0612 - Chrome Front Axle Kit
24-0306 - Chrome Lower Triple Tree
24-0263 - Chrome Upper Triple Tree
Accessory Items:
24-0170 - 41mm Fork Steering Damper Kit
24-0196 - 41mm Fork Steering Damper Kit
31-0315 - Polished Smooth Cable Holder Set
Tech Notes: Drain assembly lube. We recommend 20 weight oil for average conditions. The amount of fork oil per leg is 11.5 ounces.
Measurement: Axle Inner Diameter: .849 inches